Pipeline & Petro Chemical Plant Project Works


Resid Upgrading Project (Tupras)

31.093 m³ Excavation
15.518 m³ Backfilling works
9.149 m³ Reinforced concrete
2.555 ton Structural steel fabrication and erection
5.140 ton Piping fabrication and erection
117.434 m² Piping insulation
94.441 m² Piping painting


Tupras HDPE Project

5.000 m 28" CS Pipe Installation
1.950 ea Valve Installation
16.000 m³ Excavation with manual
25.000 m³ Excavation with mechanical
100 tons Reinforced steel works
6.500 m² Formwork
2.000 m³ (Prepared) Concrete Works
30.000 m³ Filling works
12.450 m HDPE pipe Installation




Tupras Izmit Rafinery - 2009

2 ea. Crude Oil, 1 ea. Jet A1 bulk storage tanks construction

Steel Works 4.300 tons
Pile Works 20.800 m
Excavation 120.000 m²
Concrete Works 39.000 m³
Painting Works 95.000 m²
Fillings material 40.000 m³
HDPE isolations 14.000 m²

Internal floating roof material supply and installations 045 m diameter 1 ea
Material supply and installations of floating roof 060 m diameter 1 ea
Material supply and installations of floating roof 090 m diameter 1 ea
Supply and installation of iron works 3.500 tons
Crude-oil tank line, transfer line and manifold station 23.000 m
Welding Works 4.300 tons


Tupras Izmit Rafinery - 2007

White Products Custody Transfer System
Civil, structural and piping design of the new custody transfer system.
19 ea coriolis meter supply and commissioning (4"-10").
19 ea control valve supply and commissioning (4"-10").
19 ea motor operated double block and bleed valve supply and commissioning (4"-10").
3 ea pig valve supply and commissioning (8"-12").
1 ea small volume compact prover supply and commissioning.
DCS system complate engineering field commissioning, documentation, tarining.
Costody transfer software with Tupras network SAP connection for order processing, accouting data transfer.
Diverse additional field instruments supply and commissioning (pressure transmitters, temperature transmitters, indicators, etc.).
2 ea slope tank and slope pump supply and commissioning.
Control building consruction.
18.00m x 52,50 steel building (canopy) consruction.
117 ton steel structural works.
5241 m ½" to 14" pipe line material supply and installation.
1083 ea ½" to 14" valve supply and installation.
Design supply and installation of fire fighting system, consisting of sprinklers, heat-detectioncables, deluge valves and alarm devices.


Tupras Izmir Aliaða Rafinery - 2006

New Fire Fighting water lines system
Project and design enginering of pipe-line .
Pipe metarial supply by client 20" 7000 m.
Pipe metarial supply by client 16 " 5700 m.
Pipe metarial supply by contractor (2" up to 20") 4700 m.
Pipe installations 17400m.
Epoxy painting and sand blasting of pipes 8200 m².
Butterfly valve supply and installation (2" up to 20") 1260 ea.
Excavations 12310 m³.
Sand filling 6000 m³

TanksTupras Izmit Rafinery - 2003

Repair of 10D-104 and 10D-111 tanks
Dismantling roof ant bottom of the tanks (600 ton).
Supplying of roof and bottom of the storage tanks manufacturing and mounting (600 ton).
Supplying and assembling accesories of roof and bottom of the tanks.
Epoxy and epoxy laminate painting works on the bottom of the tanks (6000 m²).
Painting of the storage tanks (8000 m²).

TanksMilangaz LPG Storage Tanks Construction - 1997

1 x 5.000 m³ spherical tank field erection 550 ton.
4 x 2.000 m³ propan spherical tank field erection 502 ton.
Sand blasting epoxy painting works for spherical tank 4500 m².
LPG and propan spherical tank accessories installations.


Delta Petrol Storage Terminal Construction - 1985

2 pcs 20.000 m³ Insulated Tank
2 pcs 20.000 m³ Floating Deck Tank
4 pcs 12.500 m³ Floating Deck Tank
3 pcs 15.000 m³ Floating Deck Tank
8 pcs 15.000 m³ Insulated Tank with Heating
1 pcs 3.500 m³ LPG Spherical Tank
1.000 m³/h Capacity Crude Oil Pump Station, Automatic Fire Protection System


New Tank Farm Construction in Petkim Yarýmca Complex 1976

5 x 40.000 m³ Storage Tank installation